File Your Clothes

September 3, 2022

The ah-ha moment in my journey to organize, came when I learned how to fold my clothes so my drawer would never become messy again.  I spent years and years of going through dresser drawers trying to find a shirt or wondering why I still had that shirt and being completely frustrated with the messiness of the drawer.  It was exhausting, until I learned the File Your Clothes method.

I learned that any article of clothing could be folded so that it would stand up on end in my drawer eliminating  the constant disarray of the drawer.   I could just open my drawer, pick an article of clothing and all the other clothing just stood there nice and neat.  

How did I learn to fold clothes to achieve this way of organizing?  At first, I scoured the internet trying to learn the correct way.  One website had you folding it this way, another had you folding it that way,  finally it dawned on me that as long at is stands up and your drawer is organized than that’s the correct way.  So many times in life we take what is written on the internet as gospel.  We tend to forget that we have a brain ourselves and though it might not be the way they do something, the way you do something works just as well.

Based on the size of my dresser drawer, this is how I fold a shirt:

1.  Lay shirt flat with back facing up

2.  Fold shirt long ways so that the sleeves meet

3.  Fold in sleeves to meet the folded end of the shirt

4.  Fold top of shirt to meet the bottom of the shirt 

5.  Fold top of shirt again to meet the bottom of the shirt

5.  Pick up shirt and place with open end on bottom 

7.  Shirt should be standing and ready to put in drawer

Give it a try, you will love the way your dresser drawers look!